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Hand Pan available at Boullard Musique

Posted on: Saturday 01 October 2016

Created and manufactured for the first time in Switzerland, this percussion has become in recent years one of the most sought-after instruments. Our specialist Tim has become an expert in finding these relics. Many of you are waiting for them and they are available in stores and on our site.

The Hand Pan is a percussion instrument that sits on the knees and is played with hands and fingers on the upper part of the instrument called the “ding”. See our demonstration video.

HandPan by UFO Percussion Pan

These handcrafted HandPans are high quality hand hammered instruments. Their perfect tuning is sure to satisfy you. They have the particularity of emitting more attack and a very soft sound. Discover the Hand Pan UFO

Rav Vast

Rav Vast brand instruments are made in Siberia. They have cut blades and beautiful patterns. These HandPans have the particularity of having longer notes (more sustain). Whether you are an expert or a beginner, we invite you to try them in store. Discover the HandPan Rav Vast


SpaceDrum makes quite different Hand Panes. These are made of stainless steel and have a low range. The deep sound of this French-made instrument will satisfy you. Discover the SpaceDrum HandPan Discover below the presentation video of the Handpan from Terré , coming straight from Bali! A round, powerful tone that requires years of development. It’s your turn to try it! We are at your disposal in our store. For more information on tuning and the different models, contact our specialist Tim (+41 (0) 21 811 28 61) .