Schlagwerk Percussion

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Schlagwerk Percussion

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Schlagwerk percussions were founded in 1982, founded by Gerhard Priel and Bengt Schumacher in Germany, orienting their specialization in innovative wooden instruments.

Today Schlagwerk enjoys a rich and varied selection of percussions, with its Udu drums, its Frame Drums, and of course, its high quality Cajons.

Originally, Schlagwerk exclusively produced slit drums for therapeutic and educational purposes. Over the years, responding to a constantly increasing demand and attracting the attention of musicians from all over the world, the Teutonic firm has greatly extended its catalog. Thanks to innovative ideas and superb finishes thanks to meticulous craftsmanship, Schlagwerk has established itself as an essential choice for the majority of percussion configurations. Among the renowned professional percussionists who have chosen them, we can distinguish Roland Peil from the Fantastischen Vier, or even Larry Eagle, session musician for Bruce Springsteen.