Alpine Music Safe Black Earplugs : photo 1
Alpine Music Safe Black Earplugs : photo 2

Alpine Music Safe Black Earplugs

Item No. : 164347

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The specialist's opinion

Alpine Music Safe Black Earplugs are high-fidelity hearing protectors with three sets of filters, you determine the attenuation yourself.


As a musician, festival goer, DJ or sound engineer, you often find yourself in an environment where the music is loud. The risk of irreversible hearing trauma is therefore high (tinnitus, hearing loss, etc.). Good hearing protection is essential during rehearsals, performances and concerts. Alpine has developed the MusicSafe earplugs, the essential reference on the market for musicians.

The MusicSafe Pro version comes with three interchangeable filter sets.
You can choose from white filters which attenuate by 16 dB (medium attenuation), silver filters which attenuate by 19 dB (high) and gold filters which attenuate 22 dB (very high).
These AlpineAcousticFilters ™ guarantee optimal protection against harmful sound levels while preserving the quality of the music. You will be able to listen and make music while enjoying it to the fullest.
Alpine MusicSafe Pro lets you safely enjoy a rehearsal, show or party, and choose the right attenuation for each situation.

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