Cympad 50mm 2 Pces (CPMD50) : photo 1

Cympad 50mm 2 Pces (CPMD50)

Item No. : 109894

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Warranty : 2 years

The specialist's opinion

Control the sound of your cymbals !!!


It was while collaborating with various sound technicians during my '' live '' performances that I noticed, some time ago, that the resonance of the cymbals during concerts was generally too strong compared to the sound volume of the other instruments.
It is a fact that drummers often practice their art with hearing protection or find themselves, during a concert, banished behind a plexiglass wall. Neither of these two solutions satisfied me: hearing protection modifies the frequencies of the sound and the plexiglass produces a mirror effect that disrupts contact with the public.
As I never liked the fact of sticking any adhesive tape under the cymbals, I developed a stick technique, which, while leaving me the movements of wide and powerful arms, allowed me to strike the stick on the cymbal in a relatively smooth manner. This measure represented an improvement, but the sound of the cymbals was still deafening.
I then had the idea of replacing the cymbal felt by a ring with a larger diameter, of exchanging the felt, a little outdated, for cellular rubber which gave the whole thing a more modern look and, finally, I I gave a name to this ring: the Cympad.
I then founded the company '' Cympad '' in January 2005. ''

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