Afroton Kalimba Junior Celeste diaton. 11 Plates in D Major : photo 1

Afroton Kalimba Junior Celeste diaton. 11 Plates in D Major

Item No. : 100622

Material :Wood
Number of blades :11
Tuning :Ré, Mi, Fa#, Sol, La, Si, Do, Ré,...

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Sur commandeOn orderWill be ordered for you as quick as possible.
Warranty : 2 years

The specialist's opinion

The Kalimba Junior Celeste diaton Afroton is an ideal mitered musical instrument for beginners.

It is crafted from basswood and has 11 blades in D major, making it easy to play and learn.

The Kalimba is equipped with an adjustable tone system and a cover that protects the blades. The Kalimba Junior Celeste diaton Afroton is a perfect instrument for beginners who want to learn to play music and develop their musical skills.


Material :Wood
Number of blades :11
Tuning :Ré, Mi, Fa#, Sol, La, Si, Do, Ré, Mi, Fa#, Sol

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