JHS Alpine : photo 1
JHS Alpine : photo 2

JHS Alpine

Item No. : 176137

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Warranty : 2 years

The specialist's opinion

In a world filled with reverb pedals, we are proud to offer a very easy to adjust, versatile, inspiring and cost effective solution for any situation you may encounter during your gigs with the JHS Alpine.

The heart of the Alpine's design is the idea that you can have a reverb pedal that is simple, easy to use, but also extremely powerful in its functions while still being very accessible without needing a degree.

computer engineer to compose a great sound. The "Shift" button is probably the most useful of all as it allows two adjustments on the fly. When you engage the "shift" pedal on the right, you also engage the "Shift" button which is a second "Reverb" control. This allows you to set the standard "Reverb" control on one parameter and the "Shift" on another for on-the-fly adjustment between two preset sounds.


Entrées / Sorties
Entrées :INPUT Jack
Sorties :OUTPUT Jack
Controls :Reverb - High - Shift - Depth - Lenght
Power supply :9 Volt DC Center Negative (optional)
Dimensions and weight
Length :94 mm
Width :120 mm
Height :42 mm
Fabrication :USA

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Effects pedals